ManagementConsultingConception  planningFinancial modelingTechnical support of construction projectsBrokerageOperational auditRestaurant services Master classes from Brand - ChefTrainings /  Recruitment MarketingLegal servicesAhlei products
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Reastaurant services
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  • Эксклюзивные мастер классы на Русском и Английском языках. Раскроем все секреты приготовления традиционной̆ русской̆ кухни. Вы получите рецепты и "фишки" от шефа, зарядитесь позитивом и отлично проведете время!
Master classes from Brand-Chef
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  • В рамках программы компании мы оказываем следующие услуги: Меню, Проектное сопровождение, Маркетинг, Стандарты, Аудиторские программы, Организация
Professional translations
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  • Even in the situations of social distance, necessary working contacts are still to be supported. Due to the latest social environment changes, people have to share more e-mails and social net connections and they search for the new ways of communication. Proper presentation and good communication are crucial for positive image making. Sometimes the whole project’s success depends on competent and skilled expression of one’s ideas and thoughts.
Corporate yoga - classes
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  • Success in any service business directly depends on good health and nice appearance of personnel. If an employee feels bad and depressed or has permanent fatigue this affects his (or her) interrelations with clients and guests.
ManagementConsultingConception  planningFinancial modelingTechnical support of construction projectsBrokerageOperational auditRestaurant services Master classes from Brand - ChefTrainings /  Recruitment MarketingLegal servicesAhlei products